Hello, I finally found a way to process the products sizes automatically from the CSV file. Maybe not the best way, but it helps me.
What I have done is to use Excel to create a column in which the text is concatenated product name, with size, so that in brackets right after the product name.
The formula is this:
With the shoes, for example, see in the attached image, which appears "(SIZE 39)" for example, just after the product title. There is a duplicate product for each size, so it's a way to tell the user what size is that product.
Also, I added a filter so that the user can enter the size you want, and display the products that match that size. I wanted to do with a drop down box, but as I have not found a way to do it, for I have set for users to enter the size directly in the text box.
It seems to work well, as long as you write the word "Talla" (size) in front, because if not, you are looking for anything else, of course.
I send two images of how it is configured this filter, and another on how to appear on the web.
At the moment I like the result, except that you even think of a better way to do it!!
Thanks, greetings.