HikaMarket have a processing email class which redirect emails to the vendor when a "sub-order" is modified.
Because we don't want to notify the customer several time (only for the main order, not for the sub-orders), we implemented this system.
It allows HikaMarket to redirect the admin emails for the sub-orders to the vendors. So the "order_admin_notification" email is send to the vendor for his sub-order.
The email redirection rules are for the moment "hard coded" in HikaMarket but I think we will add options to configure it before the new email system that we are implementing.
So for the moment you have to edit the "class file" in HikaMarket in order to specify which mail you want to redirect to the vendor and which mail you just want to not send.
private $orderEmails = array(
'order_admin_notification' => 1,
'order_cancel' => 0,
'order_creation_notification' => 0,
'order_notification' => 0,
'order_status_notification' => 0
By changing "order_status_notification" to "1", the vendor will receive the user email for his sub-order.
The user will still receive his status notification email for the main order (with all products, etc) and the vendor will receive the same kind of email but with just his products.
So the vendor won't see any information about the rest of the order.