Will options for products ever be upgraded

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11 years 7 months ago #116724

I have asked this before, but differently.

Hikashop is getting better all the time, so thumbs up guys.

I still have sugestion. making it possible to choose a category for options instead of a single product, will make life so much easier for shop owners.

Give us the choise between a "product categroy" or a "singel product" for product options.
And maybe even a funktion for choosing quantity of the chosen option.

This would be so great...

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11 years 7 months ago #116764

We don't have such plan. It would require basically to remove all the current options system and create a new system from scratch. That would require a lot of work and a lot of backward compatibility issues.
And I don't see the benefit of doing that contrary to to the current system ?
Why having a category with products instead of a product with variants would change anything for the shop owners ? That's still the same amount of work to enter all the data.
We actually want to redo the product creation in the near future to have something more easy, and options will thus be easier to create, but I don't see any benefit of changing the whole system.
Having the possibility to enter a quantity for each option choice is a nice idea. We'll add that to do todo list.

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11 years 7 months ago #117075

Hi nicolas,

Actually you are looking at this from a programming point of view, but I am looking from a shop owners view, and I can garanti you, it will make life easier for many shopowners.

The Problem is you are mixing Variants in to the discussion of options.

A variant could typically be choice of colour, and it costs the same as your main product, almost always.

An option is when you make a change to the specs of the product, by adding other products from your shop to this.

You are absolutely correct, when you say it is possible to use variant instead of Options, but then you should totaly remove the options, because you can always use a variant as an option.

The reason why I am pushing for this is simple, this would make Hikashop GREAT, this + 1 other funktion.

A shop owner who is selling let us say computers, hardware and so on, would be a good example.

In the shop we are selling Ram, we have different sizes and different brands. We will create 1 pruduct pr. brand and size, in the category ram. Noe the product is created once and will be showcased in the product category listing.

I have exactly the same with Hard drive, Software and so on...

Now I have a computer with my choice of specification, but I want to give the customer the option to upgrade. I know this is possible with the Variant, but it is to much work, because I will need to create a new product called ram, and create variants for this with all the different attributes and prices. This is really to much work. Now you would say why have the ram as many products in a category, instead of using variants from the begining, this is possible. This will not showcase all the products, so the customer can se what you have right away.

Now if the options was designed to choose between a single product or category, this would be one of the best functions for many shop owners who give the choice for upgrading products. You choose a category for the option and you can let our customer upgrade with all the products with in that category.

The way it is now, the shop owner is limited to one product for the option.
look at this link.


We can only offer the upgrade to 120GB SSD, while we have 256GB, 480GB in the sam category with different brands.

Another thing you should look at is the Individual pricing for different customer. This is possible, but you have to specify the different price for every single product individually. It would be great if it was possible to say:

Customer group "A" will get X% on all products in category "Y" .

In this way we can give our B2B customers different prices from our Private customers, and We could again give different price to whole sellers.

Another function that would be great was, if it was possible to show the price including or excluding tax depending on witch group the logged in customer belongs to. A business customer should allways se the price excluding tax, and Private customer should se the price including tax.

Thanks for listening to my many ideas, even if you do not think that you will implement them :)

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11 years 7 months ago #117244


I'm sorry to tell you that but all you're requesting is already possible with the current system.

We can only offer the upgrade to 120GB SSD, while we have 256GB, 480GB

See here:
You can already have more than one value for an option if you configure a specific product with a characteristic for it.
I understand that it's not ideal for your case because you would directly like to use the different products, but for some other use, being able to use products with variants like we do would be way better than having to have all the products of a category as an option. For example, if you actually want to sell the options separately and that you want the user to be able to select the variant he wants when he buys the option on its own.
So Yes, being able to have both systems would be even better. But again, that would be a lot of work. We'll see how it goes, but for now, we didn't had much requests on that end.

Customer group "A" will get X% on all products in category "Y"

You can already create a X% discount limited to all the products of the category Y and to only the A user group. Yo can go in the menu Orders->Discounts to do that.

if it was possible to show the price including or excluding tax depending on witch group the logged in customer belongs to

You can also do that. Simply create tax rules restricted to user groups via the menu System>Taxes

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