-- url of the page with the problem -- :
-- HikaShop version -- : 2.3.2
-- Joomla version -- : 3.3.1
This is something that has been baffling me in Hikashop for some time and I would love to understand how to make it work.
I start with a menu called "shop" in my main menu. It has an itemid of 108 and the link is
If I click on that menu I land in a page with subcategories. One of them is called "cards & Stationary" and the link from inside the hikashop navigation (by clicking on the category Icon) is:
Note that it carries the "shop" link itemID>
However, I also created a menu link to the same category and the link generated by joomla (I used menu type Hikashop>>>"Products Listing")
So now I have 2 links going to the same page. One generated by the "shop" menu:
and one generated by the joomla menu
Respectively the generate these SEF URLs:
Even more intriguing, I have not found a way to associate a module to the '17-cards-stationary' page while the one with its own menu works flawlessly.
I think I need to rebuild the entire navigation of the site, but I need to understand how to avoid having multiple links for the same page.
I don't care if it has an ID or not (probably better with the ID to avoid problems) but I do care if I have different pages for the same category. Especially if I cannot assign modules to them.
Please do test the site in this manner:
1) Click on the main menu >> Shop >> Cards & Stationary (from the subcategories list in the content area).
J URL: index.php?option=com_hikashop&task=listing&ctrl=category&cid=17&name=cards-stationary&Itemid=108
2) Now click on the left menu on "cards & stationary" (this menu is called Hikashop Accordion)
J URL: index.php?option=com_hikashop&task=listing&ctrl=category&cid=17&name=cards-stationary&Itemid=272
3) Now click on the horizontal menu below the main menu
J URL: index.php?option=com_hikashop&view=category&layout=listing&Itemid=272
Notice that 1 & 2 have the same SEF URL while 2 & 3 have the same itemID.
The goal for me is to end up with a single and identical page that shares the same URL. If I have to use some third party SEF program I'll be happy to. Ace SEF was the one suggested by hikashop, but it's no longer available from the Joomla extension. <Maybe someone knows of a good substitute or some other trick I can use to get these URLs under control.
Thank you.