Would it be possible to have a screenshot of your HikaMarket configuration ?
Hikamarket configuration is correct, I had set vendor registration to automatic validation.
I'm sorry but if I'm asking you a screenshot, I'm expecting to get a screenshot.
Since you got issues ; Let me have all the elements I'm asking for so I can fully understand the context.
Please understand that if you do not give me answers to my questions and more details ; I will not be able to help you.
Also, you wrote that the website were "localhost" so it's not logical that people can register in your website if it's only on your localhost.
But in your last message, that you edited several hours after the first submission, you indicated a website.
Your account do not have an HikaMarket license attached and I can't find any license for the domain you indicated in your last post. Please use the account who bought the HikaMarket license and use the "my subscription" page to attach your license with the website domain name :