Multivendor market -product publishing limitation

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6 years 5 months ago #297854

-- HikaShop version -- : 3.5.1
-- HikaMarket version -- : 2.1.1
-- Joomla version -- : 3.8.12

Situation - >
I created few joomla user groups and according these groups are different level limitations for market vendors based on product quantity (hikamarket /access/vendors option).
If I allow for user1 to have 30 items at the begining and he has Editor group, he adds 30 products in front-end, but after, let say some time, he wants to have only 3 items (and pay only for that, like changing membership ), then I change his user to Author group (with 3 items limit). I as administrator can unpublish all the rest 27 items, but the vendor can easily publish them in front-end. The solution to delete 27 items, I do not like, as the vendor can change his opinion after some time and to add again all items is very unfriendly for users time. How would you suggest to do in this case? Is there any posibility to make the rest items, which are already added make them unvisible(not editable) or not reachable in front-end for vendor?
It would be nice to have one more option in back-end to make the rest items unactive(the vendors see these items in their product list, but can not edit and they look grey as sample solution.

Thank you.

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6 years 5 months ago #297887


That's indeed a good question and I do not have a fixed answer for it.
There is no setting or plugin to handle that case because I do not know what would be the best.
Should all products be unpublish so the vendor would have to select which ones he wants to keep available ?
Should a plugin delete some products ? More recent first ?
Should the vendor be set unpublish so an admin would deal with it ?

They are a lot of possible scenario and each one could be something a store would want to do.

The way than the restrictions are made, it is only process when a vendor want to perform an action.
If he want to create a product but the limit is reached, the action is refused.
Performing an action on the products or vendor should be done when the membership changed, so it would be a plugin triggered by the membership component ; or a plugin plugged on the vendor modification to check if its groups are modified (good and flexible solution but more complex to implement)


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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6 years 5 months ago #297910

Hi, Jerome,

Ok, lets make a bit brainstorming :)

As limitations are based on user group ( sample: Author- 3 items allow, Editor - 30 items, publisher-100 items and so on) it would be logic, that if administrator change the users group from Editor to Author , then only 3 first in list items stays published and all the rest became inactive( vendor sees them, but they "grey" and inactive (color change for clarity) or hikamarket already has option "products to aprove", so if it is posipble to make that after users group change all items which are under limitations become "not approved/ inactive", then vendor will not be able to make the publish by himself. . The items sorting in vendors front-end have (all, items, variants ) + should appear extra option "inactive". This will allow user to see how many he has items in list (both active and inactive) and it will be useful information which membership he should buy as membership relates to item quantity.

other solution (I like this more)->
after users group is changed in his control panel / products tab appear notification :" Your membership changed, which allow you to have x items. Please select x items to stay active in next 24 hours (ends: data/ time ) or after this term system will automaticly make this random choise for you." (system leave active x items from list, all the rest become inactive after 24 hours, if vendor do not make his choice with CONFIRM). The time term (24 hours) could be made that in beck-end administrator enters his preferenced time in hours. In product list near each product the check box appear to select and the button "confirm" (the place for button I would suggest near the notification or even inside notification border). The select limitation according group limitations (if Autors group allows to have 3 items, then user can select to confirm only 3 items). After press confirm , slected items stays active, all the rest inactive ,but visible. Near inactive items could be notification something like " if you would like to activate inactive items, please change your memebership + link to membership page (selected menu:hikashop category, where vendor can buy the membership)
An illustration of the solution attached.

Whats your opinion on this?

Jerome: " If he want to create a product but the limit is reached, the action is refused. "
- the hikamarket that already do, if user reached his group llimit system do not allow to add more. But the system do nothing, if the user already has added more items earlier (when his users group allowed him to have more items ). After group change to to less item allow, the users items stays published (even is the list is more then new group allows), but he can not add more.

Jerome: "Performing an action on the products or vendor should be done when the membership changed, so it would be a plugin triggered by the membership component ; or a plugin plugged on the vendor modification to check if its groups are modified (good and flexible solution but more complex to implement)"
I supose vendor group modification should be checked, as limitations are based on user(vendor) groups, then to change limits to vendors, will be enough to change the vendors user group.



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6 years 5 months ago #297931


Handling such kind of count down is not an option right now. HikaMarket do not have any need of a cron job to work properly.
When the vendor group changed, it does not mean that rules are changing too. In your configuration, for your specific case, you want to have different restrictions regarding the number of products.. But HikaMarket have other kind of restriction and if I have to handle the number of product, I would need to handle the other rules (which are also not easy).
What if you give access to extra categories to some Joomla user groups and the vendor lost that ? Should its products within these groups should be modified to remove the category ? What if it was the only category of the product ? Or should be unpublish them ?
It's not HikaMarket which send the notification for the subscription expiration (or warning message before the expiration) ; HikaMarket doesn't know when the vendor changed its groups ; it can't know if a subscription component did that modification or if it was an admnistration. So should it warn the vendor that its memebership changed when it do not know if there is a membership component ?

Brainstorming is very useful and helps to see what the component can do and how it can evolve to provide more features.
Since the feature is relation to a subscription component, I really see the feature as an integration plugin between the subscription and HikaMarket. It could be something I would to improve the integration between HikaSubscription and HikaMarket. Since HikaSubscription do need a cron job to work (send emails, handle expiration..) it is a good place to also support automated tasks like that one,


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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6 years 5 months ago #298020

Hi Jerome,

Indeed solution should "see" many details in many different scenario.. I did not know about new product HikaSubscription B) and I assume so far these two components (hikamarket and hika subscription) do have this gap between them. For me sounds nice, if hika can offer the solution for memebership with posibility to manage how the products list look in vendors front-end when membershio is changed.

Even if set the membership for product / article ( publish start data, publish end day) , I think it would be useful to leave this product in vendors (or visible but not just till "read more" partsubscribers) list as not active (grey style) + extra actions appear (like: make it active / extent your membership to see full article / delete from list) .Is this case vendor/ subscriber make their choice.

In both cases leave expired product/article in front-end, but they become not active (in same list or in extra tab for expired products/articles + extra actions to manage them make it active / extent your membership to see full article / delete from list.

Definetly waiting for this (or something close or even better solution became available to have :)

Please share you opinion


Last edit: 6 years 5 months ago by SEKME.

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6 years 5 months ago #298031


HikaSubscription do have triggers for the different events of subscriptions ; its plugin system allows to have advanced integration with other component even if there is no specific plugin for HikaMarket.
Due to the complexity of restriction rules ; I clearly see the feature your describe as a custom plugin which would focus on some elements and could provide a specific workflow (plugin which could evolve with time in order to affine its settings and be more flexible).
Like that, I don't think it would be useful to have an integration into the component since it won't serve the majority. That's why I see more a plugin which would be connected to HikaSubscription event system to perform its automated tasks when a subscription changed ; and it's also the best place to handle message regarding the renewal of the subscription, etc.
Right now we focus the development on some design refreshing and most asked features (like the creation/modification of orders by the vendors)


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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4 years 6 months ago #323240

HI guys,
interesting, I'm posting here to know if there has been an evolution on this point, where:

- I'm agree that HiaSubscription > HiaMarket is the best workflow
- the "Count Down" can be siply avoid by putting a note into the description of the downgrade product subscription, like: "Be careful, only the first products in your list will be kept active. Please, reorder them to fit your needs before to downgrade" - "Be careful, the product limitations will be applied following the product list. Reorder them before to downgrade depending on your needs".
- Also an alert for Categories restriction etc. could be added
- the action could be applied on the product list, so only the first 3 (following the example) will be kept active while the others will be inactivated. Where the user should simply reorder them if needed

Last edit: 4 years 6 months ago by joomleb.
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