what is the diffrence between Edit - New - Variants

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6 years 6 days ago #304060

-- url of the page with the problem -- : localhost
-- HikaShop version -- : 4.0.1
-- HikaMarket version -- : 3.0.0
-- Joomla version -- : 3.9
-- PHP version -- : 5.6
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : The action "HIKAM_ACT_PRODUCT_EDIT" is forbidden

I was checking for ACL in hikamarket
I fount that we have 3 options for product ACL :
What is the difference between them?

Also I want that my vendors create their product but can not edit them, so I clicked for Product-New ACL and removed check from Product-Edit ACL - But I found that I can not create product

in product add page :
adding image error ---> "The action "HIKAM_ACT_PRODUCT_EDIT" is forbidden
adding File error ---> "The action "HIKAM_ACT_PRODUCT_EDIT" is forbidden
Saving Product---> "The action "HIKAM_ACT_PRODUCT_EDIT" is forbidden
infact I want to create product not edit it!!


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6 years 5 days ago #304062


Edit - When you edit an existing product.
New - When you create a new product ; if nothing is set-up, it will use the ACL of "edit".
Variant - When you edit a variant for one product (there is no "new" state for variants)

New and Edit are there to give more access to fields when you create a new product ; so the vendor can set-up things which will be "block" once the product has been approved by an admin.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
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6 years 5 days ago #304075

that's right, I want the vendor to create product but after approving it, she can not be able to edit the product
so I removed mark from Edit ACL and marked New ACL
But I think There is one bug in ACL
because now (after removing the mark from Edit ACL) Vendor can not create product and get this error on saving or image upload or file upload :"The action "HIKAM_ACT_PRODUCT_EDIT" is forbidden

So again I marked the Edit ACL now the previous problem is solved but vendor still can edit product after approving it by admin

How can I do this " I want the vendor to create product but after approving it, she can not be able to edit the product" ?

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6 years 4 days ago #304086


You don't want the vendor to have access to any field after the approval of the product ?
Not even the description ?

I would need more details about your current ACL configuration and the action you're doing in order to reproduce the issue in one local website.
The "edit/new" ACL has been introduced for some use case and they haven't been test in your specific configuration. Because the product can exist (have an ID) but not be approved, the algorithm to determine if it's "edit" or "new" can be tricky, specially with uploads. That's why I would need detailed instruction to be sure of the "case" you're using.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
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6 years 3 days ago #304134


You don't want the vendor to have access to any field after the approval of the product ?
Not even the description ?

YES, I want the vendor can not access to edit after approving the product (I want to make download shop) because if she edit after approval I can not approve it again (I would not notice that) So I need to turn off entire edit access, But in this situation the vendor can not create product (new product works well but it dose not let the vendor to save product or upload image and file)
I attach my ACL configuration

I have done another "test" :
I marked edit ACL just only price value (vendor can edit just the price of product) So it solved my problem, now the vendor can create product without error on saving or uploading just because of one edit access!
It mean that without edit permission we can not create product while the NEW and add ACL is fully marked! So I think it's not normal

I also suggest that add another ACL to edit, that let the admin to approve again after editing product, because if we let vendor to edit product after approving it, it loses the meaning of approval and make it vain

Last edit: 6 years 3 days ago by Jerome. Reason: fix tags

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6 years 1 day ago #304235


I'm working on several modifications ; but due to the size of these modifications I couldn't add them as an "hotfix" into HikaMarket but they will be for sure in the next release.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
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5 years 11 months ago #304437

Thanks For Your Attention.

If you can please add this:
  • VENDOR: after creating product
  • At the page : hikamarket - product - listing view
  • Before approving product it shows tag in product table : "Product not approved"
But after reviewing and decline this product it also shows "Product not approved" And vendor dose not know that admin checked the product and declined it, he can only notify by email! some times vendors does not attention to emails or they get them on their spam folder

So I suggest to add :
after declining, this tag "Product not approved" changes to "Product declined" and also after editing or updating by vendor it changes again "Product not approved".
It's good way to notify vendor and also right tag on product table

I also added a note on my own hikamarket product listing view : if your product not approved please check your email and spam folder for reason and edit product to review again

It's necessary to add this tag's in back-end approval waiting list
Because after decline the product, maybe another admin again review and decline it again
But if it has a tag on it "Product Declined" also admins know that vendor dose not update it or this product reviewed before
I wrote necessary because: when you have many vendors and many product on waiting for approving or you have more than one admin to check products it makes Tags necessary to be on back-end (hikamarket - wait for approving list)

Last edit: 5 years 11 months ago by pma.

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5 years 11 months ago #304450


I'm sorry but I do not understand clearly your request.
Can you please summarize your need ?


Jerome - Obsidev.com
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5 years 11 months ago #304497

Hi :)
I can say this suggestion simple by image:
First of all, Vendor's Products needs to be approved by admin

Front-End ( demo.hikashop.com/index.php/en/hikamarke...ontrol-panel/product ) (Vendor Product listing page)
At this page after adding new product

as you see in above picture , we have a tag (I have marked it by red frame)
Tag is : Product Not approved
here every thing is ok!
But after reviewing the product by admin and decline the product! Vendor needs to know that product has been declined! but how?
I suggest that
By changing above tag (product not approved ) To ---> Product Declined
so vendor can notify that product declined!
also I suggest after editing declined product by vendor ( correcting decline issue), again tag (product declined) change to ----> Product not approved

it means that the tag ( I marked by red frame in the above picture) can change by product decline and product update
now you can understand my previous post

in current update this tag dose not change by decline or updating product by vendor, it just hide after approving product, I suggest to add ability change this tag by declining or updating after declining product

Back-end (administrator/index.php?option=com_hikamarket&ctrl=product&task=waitingapproval ) (product list, waiting for approve)

I suggest to add Front-end tags(above tags) to product list at back-end page
so admins can understand witch product has been declined before by another admin

Please Read my previous post again, and say to me exactly witch part is unknown for you
I simplified tags with picture so you know what I mean by Tag


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5 years 11 months ago #304512


I'm sorry but I still don't understand nor following you.
If you want to ask for a feature request ; please make it as short and simple as possible.

Because right now all I can tell you is that the "tag" (which is not a tag but a product state) "product not approved" means that a product is not approved ; if you decline it and the product is not deleted, the state of the product is still "product not approved" because the product is not approved. Declining just mean that you don't want to approve it with the current settings ; but if the vendor change something, then how you can make the difference between "decline" and "need re-approve" ?
To summarize, you can't. Because it requires a workflow and that workflow is not related to the product state, that workflow is based on the fact that the product is in that state.
Now if your request is different, please explain it. But with your previous message, I'm afraid that I cannot integrated such structural modification within HikaMarket since it does not feet to the HikaMarket philosophy nor the possible improvements of the components in the future.
What I currently recommend to HikaMarket users is to allow the "published" edition for new products ; so they can mark the product "published" when it's ready for reviewing and if the product is refused, then the product go back to "unpublish". Thus the vendor can work on the modifications and then re-set the product as publish.

It would be better to explain your need regarding that "feature request" than to propose a technical solution.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

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5 years 11 months ago #304542

thanks for your explanation :)
I understand what you mean and your solution for editing product by published and unpublished

Maybe It's 50% future request and 50% technical so I explain that but you can set this 100% future request
Firs of all I most apologize for my weak En language,

Product state "Not published" is ok, But some times after declining admin can send solution to the vendor then she can update and correct the issues it mean that we dose not delete the product, now if you were admin and you have another admins on your website to check products (because of high number of products that vendors create) you need to know the exact state of product! (it's good idea to use published and unpublished so I mean for future request) also we need this state for Back-end

Changing unpublished to declined can help in 2 way :
1-admins know that this product checked before,
2- vendor can notify for declining and also knows that product has been checked and need to solve issue or decide to remove the product by itself
also after correcting issue admins can notify that product is updated and they can check it again ( because only main admin can notify by the email )

I understand it requires a workflow, I request because I know that hikamarket sends email to admin when vendor update her product! so I thought hikamarket can realize the update for this reason I decided to request this future

To summarize I mean it's good to change the state of product before approving it, especially in large shops and many vendors...
first state : Not approved ----> declining ----> declined ----> correcting issue ----> not approved

now I can use your suggest by using published button :)
Many thanks to your attention

Last edit: 5 years 11 months ago by pma.

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5 years 11 months ago #304559


So, you want to have some "product custom fields" where you can set-up a workflow state for the product approval and also store a text for the reason of decline... Right ?


Jerome - Obsidev.com
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5 years 11 months ago #304572

Yes Actually I need to show workflow for admins and vendors

First to remember and saying result :

Previously I suggest : to use product state and it was enough because reasons will be send to vendor by email on declining product, and current state can be notify by the state.

Also I need to say I tested Published and Unpublished way and the result is : step by step (story)

first when the vendor creates a product (published), admin can see it in the back-end , after review the product and declining it, reasons will send to the vendor and automatically product will be unpublished
then vendors can see in his panel (product list view front-end) product not approved (like before) but it changed to unpublished (maybe he dose not notify that it was declined) and he tries to correct the product and save it again (maybe hi dose not change product to published), then admins can review it again

at this way as you know I highlighted them by "maybe" , this situations can make problem on approve process

you mean that I can use "product custom fields" for that? or you want to add it to hikamarket,
at all what I suggest is just workflow of approve and declining :) With these goals:
1- vendor can notify the approve process
2- admins can notify which product needs to review and which declined (after declining)
3- vendor notify the product declined and also he can update it again (by declining reasons)
4-admins can notify the product needs to be checked again
5- NEW : I did not want to Complex the issue But I have another problem because of this I had limited the vendor to edit product after approving it, because he can change the information and the product can not be approve again!(it makes approving system useless, So I need every product after editing every information or just important of them, need to be approved again, ( I have said it before on this topic about ACL problems a few posts before)

you can skip below
here I want to say what I have changed on hikamarket to get my results I say them just because maybe they can be a hint for making hikamarket better than ever!
Just fornt-end :
1- I have added a note (module) to creating product form view, "the rules of creating product & Description of fields & process of approving"
2-I changed the translation of Published and Unpublished to show the process of declining
3-added a note to product listing view, about process of declining and the reasons that we send them to their email
previously at before versions of hikamaket we did not have email notification for declining, so I had prepared a module and I have been added it to the vendor cpanel, It showed them massage of admin about the reasons of declining a product, But it was very hard and complex , So Very thanks for declining email notifications (also it was my previous future request ;) )
and other future requests that i will post them in future request topic ;)

Last edit: 5 years 11 months ago by pma.

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5 years 11 months ago #304621


There is a big development related to HikaShop and HikaMarket which is "product history" ; it would allows HikaShop to store previous content of its elements (mostly products). Like for Joomla articles, you would have some kind of "timeline" for the products.
And that feature could be use by HikaMarket to store "future" content related to products ; so a vendor would edit a product but the modification won't be apply to the product but stored in that system. Thus, when the admin accept the proposal, the content is merge.
That very feature is what I want in HikaShop in order to continue on the approval system ; creating a message system for the product approval would be useless when the "content history" system would be completed.


Jerome - Obsidev.com
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