nicolas wrote: Here is the documentation relative to that:
As explained, you will find the query that you need to run in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/install.hikashop.php
If you're missing the product_canonical field in the product table, it's that query that you need to run:
ALTER TABLE `#__hikashop_product` ADD `product_canonical` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
(make sure that you replace the table prefix, as explained in the documentation)
Yes, install.hikashop.php was where I looked, but there is no occurence of the "product_canonical" field that is indicated in the 1054 error given by Joomla in debug mode, so I wasn't sure what SQL query to run, but you have now told me, so thank you.
I ran the query and it worked, but it turned out that a second field was missing too (product_msrp). Ran the query on that and it's all fixed, thank you very much. The built-in updater now works too and I have the latest version of HikaShop once more.