Thanks for a great cart solution.
I have encountered some issues after installation and a bit of configuration and have been unable to find any answers so far. 
Below are a few questions...
1) Is there a way to adjust the width of the checkout progress bar in order to better fit it to the page?
2) I noticed that my product price displays correctly throughout the checkout process (raw price without tax), until the confirmation point where the "unit" price is displayed as raw price with tax. This is a problem, because I would like to see the unit price and subtotals reflecting the raw values without tax with the final totals including the tax and shipping amounts.
3) Also, is there a way to configure when a customer selects "check" as a payment method (currently the only selection I have in the cart) to automatically subtract 3% from the total price?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! 
Here is a link to our dev site...