Checkout questions

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13 years 6 months ago #20965

Hello Everyone.

I am having some truble fiquring out a couple of questions..

First, I want to make 2 checkouts, one for administrator checkout (with more filds) and have the normal checkout.. Lets say the admin checkout is assigned to an invisible memu.
My question, is it possible?

Second, in my country we must use different type of credit card payment then those who exsits.
My question is, can I modify credit card payment style to add a website iframe (:with params from Hikashop) that makes the transition for me and will Hikashop know a transition has made?

Thank you in advance.

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13 years 6 months ago #20976


1. In the Business edition of HikaShop, you can restrict custom fields based on the group of the user, so you could change the fields of the address/order based on the group of the user. Then, if you want to change other things, you would have to edit the code of the views...

2. Everything can be modified in HikaShop, so I suppose yes. But you didn't give much details on your needs so I can't give more details on that either.

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13 years 6 months ago #21006

thank you for reply.

1. Yes, I own the business edition and i did notice that, but when a manager want to add an order for one of his customers means he cannot be logged in as a manager because he must create a new account for the new customer. Means i cannot use the group of users because basicly they are the same. That's why I said to put it somewhere invisible. I guess i do need to modify some things, but its getting to complicated so i will put it aside for now.

2. Good, I need to use an iFrame and take the params like username,currency,cart sum and more..
Now I have done some changes and i managed to transfer all of that but the cart information. (Description and sum).

I modified the checkout/payment view to iFrame but i cant get the cart info there, is there anyway to load the cart info to that page so i can use it there?

Thanks again.

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13 years 6 months ago #21010

2. You didn't give much details on your needs so I can't give more details on that. Please explain what modifications you made, what is your checkout workflow, what is the URL you're using to display the iframe, etc.

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13 years 6 months ago #21025

So this is the part that i changed, i used some functions to get Joomla and hikashop info into the iframe.

You can elso check it out here: .
By clicking the Credit card the iFrame opens, now i need to pass (for now) those parameters:

TerminalNumber - Const.
languages - $lang.
Description - cart description.
DealIdentityCode - This is a problem, it is getting the order ID which is not set by now, so i might need to move it to the end or something like that..
Sum - cart sum.
currency - $cur.
UserName - $user.
invCreateInvoice - Const.

<table width="100%">
<?php if(!empty($method->ask_owner)){ ?>
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$user = $user->username;
$cur = 2;
$lang = & JFactory::getLanguage();
$lang = substr($lang->getTag(), 0, -3);
if(hikashop_getCurrency() == 78){
$cur = 1;}

<td style="text-align:right">
<label for="hikashop_credit_card_owner_<?php echo $method->payment_type.'_'.$method->payment_id;?>"><iframe src=" <?php echo $lang; ?>&Description=try
&DealIdentityCode=12345&Sum=5¤cy=<?php echo $cur; ?>&UserName=<?php echo $user; ?>&invCreateInvoice=1" width="100%" height="1000">
<p>ERROR: Your browser does not support iframes.</p>

I need to know how do i get the cart info to this page

EDIT: Ok so i found a better solution (hopefully simpler):

use the exist credit card and use the form action to submit the url to the pretty much the same as the iframe (getting same params plus credit card number owner etc..), now i noticed the step form is at checkout/step and is generated automatically so i need to say if it is the first step and credit card is checked then action to my URL i think i can manage to redirect after the transition is over to step 2 URL.
Problem is i dont know how to modify it to action my url when the conditions are true, any ideas?
Thanks :)

Last edit: 13 years 6 months ago by bars92.

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13 years 6 months ago #21053

You could use the redirect function of joomla:

$app=& JFactory::getApplication();

That redirects automatically the user to the URL you want.

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13 years 6 months ago #21056

Ok thats good, but how do i action the form to when clicked on the next button if credit card is select go to URL 1 else go to URL 2?

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13 years 6 months ago #21070

You already edited the file step of the view checkout. There, at the end, you have the next button defined. In that code, you have some javascript code which is called when the button is pressed in order to check the form and submit it. You could just change the javascript there in order to do what you want.

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13 years 6 months ago #21099

I could not find the Javascript code u mentioned..
I elso looked at the developer API and i noticed the function onAfterOrderConfirm(&$order,&$methods,$method_id).
I tried to redirect from there but the header() function doesn't work from there when credit card payment is selected and the next button is clicked. How can i redirect to that URL i need when i only need it when credit card payment is selected?

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13 years 6 months ago #21106

The code of the next button in the file step of the checkout view is:
echo $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('HIKA_NEXT'),'next',$this->params,hikashop_completeLink('checkout&task=step&step='.$this->step+1),'if(hikashopCheckChangeForm(\'order\',\'hikashop_checkout_form\')){ document.getElementById(\'hikashop_validate\').value=1; document.forms[\'hikashop_checkout_form\'].submit();} return false;','id="hikashop_checkout_next_button"');

There, you have the javascript:
if(hikashopCheckChangeForm(\'order\',\'hikashop_checkout_form\')){ document.getElementById(\'hikashop_validate\').value=1; document.forms[\'hikashop_checkout_form\'].submit();} return false;

That's what is submitting the form when you click on the next button.

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