that link you keep posting to "how to ... with tax" keeps going to that crazy BRAVO page in French. And has nothing to do with fixing the inc Tax prices to show on the checkout. Very frustrating.
I would like to know how to make the inc Tax price show on the checkout, instad of the ex tax price please.
The inc Tax shows correctly in the Shopping Cart module, it's only when you click "Proceed to Checkout" that the ex-tax price then shows up with the corresponding Taxes added on another line. I'd like to keep the Tax line, but show the Full Price including tax ...
Shipping price is all correct.
EDIT: i found this post:
For that, you can add the line
after the first <?php tag of the file "step" of the view "checkout" that you can edit via the menu Display->Views
and I added it here:
<div id="hikashop_checkout_page" class="hikashop_checkout_page">
then cleared cache, but didn't change anything ??