Hello again,
I am really trying to use your answer to solve my problem.
What dictates the "mode" of display in the variable $this->invoice_type You can see many checks on it in that view file.
I can not see where in that view / file it contains any print version sections.
Here are the "checks", None of them seem to imply that the section should show on the "print friendly" printed version or not. Am I missing something?
L13) if($this->invoice_type=='order'){
L45) if($this->invoice_type!='order'){
L58) if($this->invoice_type=='order'){
L61) echo JText::_(strtoupper($this->invoice_type));
L139) if($this->invoice_type=='order' && $files){
L169) if($this->invoice_type=='order' && !empty($product->product_id)){
L174) if($this->invoice_type=='order' && !empty($product->product_id)){
L203) if($this->invoice_type=='order' && !empty($product->files)){
If it checked something like "if($this->invoice_type=='print_order'" I would see what you mean without a doubt.
Are you sure we are talking about the same thing? (the print-friendly version of the front end order/invoice that prints out when the "print" button is pressed.
Michael A.