I am currently working on my first Hikashop website using the Essential version, and I'm struggling with the Dutch language. I have set up my languages in Joomla correctly, all translations are in Dutch, both my own content and also the Joomla-generated content. Both in backend and front-end it's the default language.
However in Hikashop something funny goes on. First in the backend: When I use the top-navigation using Components-Hikashop, I first see the options in Dutch, so Componenenten-Hikashop-Gebruikers instead of Componenents-Hikashop-Users, which is correct.
However, when I click the options and enter the control-panel, all is in English again. More serious for me, also on the front-end all is in English. I installed the language-files in the correct place, and I can also see them in the Configuratio-languages option.
This is how I installed it: When I installed the language by going to the Configuarion panel the very first time, I receved the message that my language file was not present, so I clicked the button to retrieve it from the server, but this did not work. So I installed it by pasting the conents of the dutch-language file in the configuration, and indeed I can see the file nl-NL.com_hikashop.ini in the Joomla languages folder, withh correct contents.
See here a screenprint of my installation:
By the way, the site is at
, but the webshop is hidden behind a login, as it is not live yet.