Update stock items

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13 years 1 month ago #35908

I started to put items in my store.
I can not find the stock management.
Is there a rapid application to update the quantity of each product?
I will not have to get into every single article every time ... is not it?

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13 years 1 month ago #35964

If you want to update easily the stock of your products without editing them one by one, you can go in the import of products and import a small CSV file like that:


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13 years 1 month ago #35994

CVS file ... that's the problem.
I'm a little bit unskilful!!!!
How does cvs work?
I know Excel files. Does it work with that?

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Last edit: 13 years 1 month ago by lacasetta.

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13 years 1 month ago #36034

Yes, excel files are almost the same.
You can open a CSV file in excel, then, you can also export it to a CSV file.
But you can't directly import excel files in HikaShop, they need to be saved as CSV files in Excel.

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13 years 1 month ago #36085

Let's see if I understand correctly.
I save a CSV file by clicking Export.
I open it with Excel.
On each row I find all the data of each product.
I modify the quantity of a product for example .
Save the file as a CSV file.
Import this file on IKASHOP by clicking Import: import product: from CVS - load a file: my file - file: ?????(what kind?) - update ... yes - create ... yes - force ... yes
And it is done?
Without crack or loss of data?

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13 years 1 month ago #36129

You can do like that yes.

You you can do simpler. Just go in import -> load from textarea and directly write this:

And your products with the code my_prod1 and my_prod2 will have their quantities updated.

Last edit: 13 years 1 month ago by nicolas.

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13 years 1 month ago #36136

It works! :laugh:

Thanks a lot!!! :cheer:

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13 years 1 month ago #36162

But if I would use the CVS file how can I set the "character file" ?

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13 years 1 month ago #36200

What do you mean by character file ?
The charset ? There is an option for the charset on the import screen.

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13 years 1 month ago #36253

Excuse me I traslated from italian.
It is a setting where you choose that: BIG5,ISO-....,UTF...,windows... etc.

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13 years 1 month ago #36293

On the import screen of HikaShop there is a setting to set that. It's called "file charset": www.hikashop.com/media/doc/import_show_small.png

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13 years 1 month ago #36347

Yes, is "file charset".
On default is : unknown.
To import my file have I to leave it to unknown?

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13 years 1 month ago #36397

If you leave it to unkown, HikaShop will try to determine the charset automatically. So you can leave it to unkown.

But it might not work in some cases (you would have strange characters where you have special characters like accents, ideograms, etc). If you see strange characters in your products information after importing it, then, you should import the file again with the correct charset configured.

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13 years 1 month ago #36398

And what is the correct charset?
Or how can i do to know it?

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Last edit: 13 years 1 month ago by lacasetta.

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13 years 1 month ago #36441

When you export your CSV in Excel, you should choose the UTF8 charset encoding.
Then, choose the same encoding in the import screen of HikaShop and you should be fine.

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13 years 1 month ago #36477

Excuse me for my ignorance.
But when I export my products (by clicking export on Hikashop) I can not set any charset encoding.
When I open the file exported with Excell I can not set any charset encoding.
Where and when have I to set the export charset encoding?

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13 years 1 month ago #36534


HikaShop exports always in UTF8.

Here is a tutorial to import CSV files with the encoding selection for Excel:

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13 years 1 month ago #36757

I give up, too difficult.
I tried it with "open office calc" I was able to select unicode utf8, but when opening the file, the data were all mixed up, impossible to work.
I tried with my excel (version 2002 sp3), but there is no choice unicode utf8. I tried it without selecting it. Opening the data are accurate and perfectly stacked and easy to change. After I saved it there was some incompatibilities and, after importing, I had all the prices changed. It seems to me that the damage I've only had on prices. Now I'll correct them and then I'll give up.
Too difficult! In the future, maybe, you can put a procedure a little more easy and quick to change the quantity of products.

The system: "import -> load Directly from textarea and write this: product_code, product_quantity"
works well; but every time you have to remember all the codes of the products and if you make a mistake just on 1 character, the system creates a new product.

For now, every time I'll have to do updates I'll open the file of each product.
Thanks anyway, always very kind

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13 years 1 month ago #36845

You should create a csv file with notepad++ or excel with only two columns like when you use the "load from textarea".
Then, import the file vie the import screen of HikaShop and it will only import the quantities.

When you import the file via openoffice calc, make sure that you select the correct separator (comma or semi colon) based on what you configured in the Files tab of the configuration of HikaShop. If you don't have the same separator, it won't work properly and I guess that it's why it didn't work correctly.

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13 years 6 days ago #41274

Will this work

If I use load from textarea and directly write this:

Will it go through all my products and change to unlimited. I don't need any stock checking for my shop.


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