I need to build a website to sell books, with 3 pages : welcome page, catalog page, contact page. All that with Joomla and ... ?
So, I would like to know if I can create this catalog display with HikaShop (other pages not concerned with HikaShop I think):
The catalog page should be divided in 3 parts:
- on the left: the menu, same on all 3 pages, I guess it comes from Joomla and you can select the product category from there (theater, novel, comics, ...)
- in the middle: the products list of the selected category, displayed in a tab form (no images, just the title, the writer and the price of the books, all written on a single line for each book)
- on the left: the selected product detail view. So when the user is selecting a line in the products table, all details of this product are displayed in this area.
Is that possible ?