I think this is the question I wanted to ask. I am a .net programmer so I know something about software, but I am a complete zero in Joomla and PHP, so I just cannot figure out how to sset things up in my template. I even had someone from Hikashop look at it when I downladed the software.
I just managed to get in a few categories and a product, whicch miraculously shows up on the page, but that's it...
I would like to have a sort of breadcrumb or category browsing to go with the products page but I just don't know how to do it, and I didn't find a "Hikashop for Dummies" anywhere on the web...
My (wifes) website:
, you have to login on the page that says carte blanche korting to see the webshop link in the navigation (managed to accomplish that, good, no?)
use helper with password helper to access the shop pages ...
Thanks for any help!