I am having problems with displaying categories as a menu.
I am using joomla 1.7.
I made the categories I needed and the menu, and the title of the Menu Item appears on the front page, but I have to click on it in order to see the categories. I want the categories to display below the name of the menu item on the front page, I dont want to have to click on it to see categories.
What am I missing?
Thank you
1) I made the categories I needed
2)Made a new menu in menu manager called Hikashop
3) Made a new menu item inside Hikashop menu and I chose category listing from Hikashop
4)I tried making a hikashop content module but that didn't display categories, then I made a menu module but now all it does is display linkable title of the menu module and I have to click on it in order to get to the category listing.
How do I make it simply list the categories and not the linkable title of menu item that leads to categories?