I have resently ditched Virtuemart and giving your product a go, so far thumbs up for a product that is much easier to use.
I do have one problem so far. Is it possible to prevent varients from automatically producing all possible combinations?
The suituation is I'm selling shoes and have 3 charactertics: size, colour and heel size, with about 20 different sizes, 10 colours and about 8 heel sizes. Not all of the combinations of characteristics are relevent to each shoe due to different brands and ranges etc. When I go to manage varients it auto populate about 1600 possible combinations but I often only need 10. So is it possible to stop Hikashop from automatically creating all possible combinations?
I have tried deleting all combinations bar say 10 but it deletes all combinations so I'm back to where I started. There also seems to be a bug in this area, if I unpublish any varients they still remain in the drop box of the product page, the only way to stop that behaviour is to delete the varient.
Many thanks for a great product, hope you can shine some light on my problem.