There is an option "registration" in the checkout configuration.
Registration : When this option is set to "no registration" the fields name, username, password and password verification from the HikaShop registration form will be removed and no Joomla user account will be created for the user on the website. When it is set to "simplified registration", those fields will also be removed but an account will be automatically created for the users and an email will be sent to him with his assigned username and password. When this option is set to registration, the users will have to register on the website during the checkout. This option is available in all commercial versions of HikaShop (since 1.3.7). On the starter edition only the registration mode is possible. Finally, please note that when you sell digital goods, the download of these goods is restricted to the users who bought the digital goods. In order to do that check HikaShop needs you to have user accounts for your users, which means that you will have to use either "registration" or "simplified registration".
You can use the option "Login" too.
Login : You can activate/deactivate the login box on the left of the login view of the checkout with that option.