Sorry for the delay. It seems that the reply I had wrote to you didn't work :/
So here I go again:
We don't have any problem with the pending orders. Although, I suppose that it comes from the fact that the pending status is not a default status in HikaShop. You should look in the menu System->Order statuses to see if the pending status was created by the import. If not, create it manually via the interface and then, via phpmyadmin, set the value P in the column category_keywords of the table hiakshop_category for your pending status entry. Then, try to run the import again.
Item attributes cannot be migrated by the import as both systems are completely different. I don't have a solution for that. You will have to add your attributes manually as characteristics/options in your products in HikaShop.
For the description, you can fix that by running that query via your phpmyadmin:
UPDATE jos_hikashop_product as hkp,jos_hikashop_vm_prod as hkprod, jos_vm_product as vmp SET hkp.product_description = vmp.product_desc WHERE hkp.product_id=hkprod.hk_id AND vmp.product_id=hkprod.vm_id;