Actually this is one reason why I was hesitate to even download and try the Hikashop. It should not even be an issue to deal with. After installing and starting some configuration, setting up things to test ( I am rebuilding a new website in Joomla 2.5), it seems to be the ONLY reason I would have to pay for the commercial or business versions. I can set up products, categories, shipping, payment methods, but when it comes to checkout there is the EXTRA STEP. I tried this some years ago with VirtueMart, and I sold less that year from my site, than I had before with some simple Paypal (pay now, or add to cart buttons) coded in manually on my order page.
I spent a great deal of time on the phone or email correspondence trying to walk customers through the process. Many did not understand why they were filling in an address TWICE (because Paypal page requires one if you are a new buyer) and then they were also getting TWO purchase order confirmation emails - one from Vmart and one from PayPal. I finally unpublished my entire VMART component and menus and set up my own order page from scratch adding in my PayPal button codes. I found that simplified things and I sold many more orders. The only reason I considered trying to use a shipping program again is to have an easy way to organize and list pricing because I am wanting to add a larger product line to my site.
I had recently installed the newer Vmart only to learn that it has it's own compatibility issues with 2.5, and I read so many great things about Hikashop.
I do not see the logic in forcing prospects to register on any site in order to buy, when Paypal is going to either require address info or use their shipping info if they have a Paypal account.
I even tried turning off the registration requirement in Joomla but your checkout for Hikashop still displays the login, name and address forms. A person can not get past any of that to simply check out.
I have read surveys done and registration is the Major reason people LEAVE a site at checkout and move on to another.
So I am currently ON the FENCE about Hikashop since I already PAY PAYPAL to handle my orders. Paying for a shipping cart ($69 US Dollars) is a bit just to have an option to turn the registration requirement off. I do however love the way Hikashop integrates so many of it's features with Joomla 2.5 and for that part, installation was a breeze. Also if I use the Hikashop as is I have to buy a SSL certificate because I do not want anyone having to enter their name, email, etc. on unsecured pages. As soon as they get to PayPal forms they are on the SSL provided by PayPal which I pay for anyway.