1) type checkout Bank Transfer - is it possible released: in material make some form with tables for payment in bank and in this form automaticaly inserts - User_id (name surname), him address and summ
2) how to create - at the end of checkout some form\material with Thanks for your shipping would you continiue and buttons Yes\No with links Yes - to main site page No - to order history or another place.
3) dont understand why not showing all delivery options in checkout, i enable Collect_on_delivery (choose both courier methods zone country) create Courier_service_country zone my country price 50$ and create Courier_service_city zone my region price 20$ in my profile zone my region. but in checkout not included delivery price try different variants in configuration delivery methods.
4) how to make registration form in page without iframe
5) not understanding why inherit style from main page to some category but if use menu navigation normal style applied (site in my profile)
6) in global configuration in Div_config enable border for products but when create new category_menu\module this option disabled
7) sometime creating doubles of associating products in display-content modules Associated products listing for category listing menu 601 but id different, is it possible disable autocreate this modules and warnings about autocreate it
strange work of resize pictures for thumbnales - upload png with transparent background but sometime creates with black color
9) upload few pix for product, on product page at the bottom main pix small thumbnales of pictures (normal resize with aspect ratio) but when cursor on some picture and changed main pix to this than main pictures dont have normal aspect ratio, i think for this uses configuration from file (
10) i have sql file wich include all word region\city and theit post indexes on russian language (in attach) i wanna integrate it in hika for choose city country-region-city, i need change something in file\base structure or direct import will be normal?
11) in display-custome fields - address state little wrong list:Івано-Франківська область on first place its wrong i think first letter its english I but not ciryllic
example in wiki
must be 8-9 position
12) to be continue)))