thx for your answer, but that way seems quite cumbersome to me.
(for example: i have a topcase that comes in 2 sizes and several colors. i want to sell that topbox separately and as an option (with the variants) to several bikes. so i would have to define the characteristics and a second set for the topbox as a product, because for that case the variant 'without' doesn't make any sense. and most of all i would have redundant data.)
but i found a simple workaround by patching the view product/option.php
after line 50 ( }else{ ) i inserted a copy of line 28 :
$this->values[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 0,JText::_('HIKASHOP_NO'));
and (quick and dirty) to make the system offer 'without' as the default (line 99ff) :
// $value = $variant->product_id;
now (at least on the product detail page and in the cart) it does exactly what i want.
however: do i have to expect any problems, e.g. with billing?