Thanks for the answer,
1) I've edited the code you sggested and replaced it by this one:
$fileHtml = '<a class="hikashop_product_file_link" href="' . hikashop_completeLink('product&task=download&file_id=' . $file->file_id.$url_itemid) . '"><img src="images/ketelwijzer/bedrijf.png"' . $file->file_name . ' /></a><br/>';
It is not working, the normal link is showing. To be clear: i want the simple link replaced by an image, wich is the link to download the product.
2) same problem, added the code, but nothing changed. added the following code to frontend.css
background-image: url('images/offerte.png');
3) Changed the alias of the menu, but nothing changed to the urls..
Cant find where to remove the last part of the url in the SEf options..
4)For the contact page, i added a code similar to the ones existed already. It didn't work as expected. (because there are some HIKA tags in there?)
added code:
<td class="key">
<label for="data[register][phone]">
<?php echo JText::_( 'HIKA_PHONE' ); ?>
<input type="text" name="data[register][phone]" size="12" value="<?php echo $this->escape(@$this->element->phone);?>" />
5) adding that code to the subcontainer code messed up my site completely, every container was 290px then.
I just want the checkbox for the compare product function to be assigned a solid position, for example within the product subcontainer, so it does not mess up my layout as seen in the page i showed you.
-Product container height is ok (only the compare product text does not fit)
-Category containers are too high.
6) done, thanks.
7) editing the height of the images here did not do any changes.