You can see the website in question here:
If you add items to the cart and view it, you will see that the items inside cells in the table are not lining up as they should. The header rows are centered, as are the images and product titles, but the Unit Price, Quantity, and Total Price are not.
I have tried applying text-align:center to td, tr, and also the specific row and cell classes used by Hikashop, but I cannot seem to alter the alignment of those three items in any way. It looks pretty terrible the way it is, so I would really love to fix it.
Also, another unrelated (but also style-related) issue: I am getting a different spacing above the description on product pages in one category versus another.
This page
illustrates the spacing I would like, and
this page
illustrates the extra spacing above the description that I am trying to get rid of.
I appreciate any help I can get.