We have 3 type of boxes for our products.
5, 10 and 15 kg.
Im trying to configure this on Hikashop and it's driving me mad.
Obviously shipping price has to be taken by product and never by order total as each product (box) has its own shipping cost.
So we have 3 shipping prices for our 3 type of boxes:
PRODUCT A 5 kg= 5 € shipping cost
PRODUCT B 10 kg= 7 € shipping cost
PRODUCT C 15 kg= 9 € shipping cost
If a customer chooses:
1 x Product C = shipping cost is 9 € which is correct
If customer chooses
3 x Product C= the system says shipping cost is 9 €???
Shipping cost should be 9x3= 27 €
Am I missing something?
Is quite obvious that the cost of sending 3 boxes instead of 1 can't be the same.
If a customer chooses product A x2 quantity shipping cost should be 5€ x 2= 10 € and not 7€ (takes the weight for 2nd shipping method).
Did I configure something incorrectly?
Pls help this is basic for our shop to work.
PD: I can set a maximum weight but thats not really usefull.
Is not the same sending:
5 kg of oranges and 5 kg of mandarins(yeah that makes 10 kg but 2 different boxes, so the shipping cost for 5 kg should be applied twice and not the shipping cost for 10 kg as hikashop does) than sending 10 kg of one product (one box).