Thanks Nicolas, we are using the business edition.
This is the first time I've built a Joomla plugin, my hikashop plugin works just fine, but I did try to create the quantity price system plugin, and I couldn't get the hikashop_product_price_for_quantity_in_order() function to be called. The constructor was called, confirmed using J!dump plugin, also tried changing the plugin loading order.
Should I be including "if(!@include_once(rtrim(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR,DS).DS.'components'.DS.'com_hikashop'.DS.'helpers'.DS.'helper.php')){ return false; }", extending a Hikashop class or using joomla.plugin to load hikashop code somewhere? I imagine this is probably the issue.
Could you paste an example system plugin snippet that invokes this function and also confirm where it should be in the filesystem, that would really help me.
I think this is my only option, as calculation is not a simple percentage (it's actually £1 discount per product before tax for every 5 products bought up to 40 products), and it also has to span several categories.
I see that the function is passed a reference to a product, it's no problem to apply the discount to each product for the current formula, but if the client needed a formula that would apply the discount to the total order, would that still be possible from this function?
Thanks for your time,