Hi Nicolas,
I am making progress with this. I have managed to get the modal popup to display the cart quantity and the product name. I am still struggling with custom fields but will get there in the end.
One issue i have come across is that if the product has a variant (used to allow the customer to choose a font for the engraving) I get two products in the modal popup one has a quantity of 0 and the other has a quantity of 1. Obviously the quantity 1 is correct but i am not sure where the quantity 0 is coming from.
This only happens to products that have variants.
The code i used to display this in the modal is:
<?php echo '<b>'.'PRODUCT DETAILS'.'</b>'.'</br>'; ?>
<?php foreach ($this->rows as $item) {
echo sprintf($item->cart_product_quantity . ' ' . $item->product_name); }?>
Any help much appreciated