nicolas wrote: Hi,
1. It just displays the selection of the user. If you don't want it or at a different place, just change the "checkout workflow" option of the configuration.
2. follow up here :
3. From what I understand, I would say that it comes from the cache of Joomla. Please turn off the cache option of the joomla configuration and the cache plugin via the plugins manager.
1. Thanks! Solved it.
2. Thank solved it. Thanks!
3. The cache for both joomla and cache plugin was not switched on. Any other solution?
This is what I noticed about the problem.
Flow sequence: Add product->Wait for pop-up box to close->click checkout at the top->Login->Checkout->Success->Add another product.
It is what I do next that makes a difference:
a) After adding another product->Wait for pop-up box to close->Click on checkout at the top that says:"1 item for $XXX each.->Page refreshes and shows Error "Cart is empty"->And when I add another product and try to checkout, same thing happens.
b) After adding another product->Click "checkout" within the pop-up box->Page refreshes and shows Error "Cart is empty"->Go back and add product->checkout works fine.