Hi again, I have got another 2 problems... that I would appreciate your help with....
In the home page it appears the title of the component "product category".... do you know where I can change or translate this... I have tried to translate from languages, but did not find this variable.
When cart shows with total ammount to pay , etc, the tax shows VM_TAX_3... again, i have tried everything but do not know where I can change this... in language file does not appear...
And last thing, I am trying to set the shipping free for orders higher than 120€.... In manual shipping plugin I have set to options... one, for orders up to 120€.... X€ of shipping and another one for orders with a minimum of 120€.... 0€... but in payment only shows the first one even if order is higher than 120€... I need to fix all these as soon as possible. I would appreciate your help.