nicolas wrote: On your screenshot, you need to set the option "menu" to a menu where your cart module is displayed.
I don't understand cause it is done once on Joomla module's menu assignment already.
I tried that anyway and it put the "Featured Product" and "product page" together which is not ideal.
I finally assigned it to a hidden menu (i.e. a dummy menu: published with no_page on menu assignment) and get what I want. But I still don't understand what is happening.
I also don't understand the explanation on "Help".
Menu : By default, the links of a HikaShop content module will go to a page displaying the listing to sub elements (products or categories). This page won't have any content configuration attributed unless you choose here a HikaShop joomla menu here where you will be able to configure its options and thus add there a listing of products, etc.