nicolas wrote: For the price size, you can use CSS:
.hikashop_product_price_full{ font-size: 20px !important}
I don't see the hikashop footer on your website.
The green color in your links comes from your template CSS. When you change your CSS make sure that you deactivate the CSS "optimizer" plugin that you're using because it caches the CSS files and thus you won't see the modifications (that's maybe why you were not able to change the prices size...).
The images options in the Files tab of the configuration are only for the product page and NEW products listings. Existing product listings have their own image options in the HikaShop options of your menus/modules.
footer is now visable, and is set to off in the menu.
having trouble finding where the image size bit is could you tell me more detailed? is there a way for me to delete them of FTP so hikashop re works the image sizes? does hika shop upscale the images my images are curently 150 px by 150 will it upscale to 300?