We need several different discounts for this store. For example, Buy 2 for the price of 1, Buy 2 for $40, etc.
I can do that for the Main Product...BUT if someone wants one white shirt size 2X and a red shirt size 1X, the discount is not functioning. I have tried putting in the prices for each and every characteristic and also putting the price with the minimum order in each characteristic...seeing that each characteristic is regarded as a separate item. This is a key to why we purchased HikaShop...because your site said that it handles discounts.
Now we could put the products in a category for each type of discount...BUT it MUST cover ALL characteristics. We have over 2,000 products so we need the discount...not coupon...since, if I am reading this correctly, you can only use the coupon once per process.
This would not work if someone bought 2 suits for $99...one Grey 52/Long and one Red 52/Long, and 2 boxers for buy 2 for the price of one...one White XL and the other Red XL.
This is the type of scenario we have.