nicolas wrote: If you want more levels, you can create hikashop categories listing menus,one per category.
I am trying to build a 3 level category structure and came across this thread. I understand that the categories listing module only goes 2 levels deep.
Do I understand this correct.
If I want to have a menu with 3 levels CatA>CatB>CatC
I go into the J3 menu manager and create a menu (lets say in main menu)
Cat A (Shop)
Cat B (For Men)
Cat C (Jackets)
Menu items for A and B are then of the type "Categories Listing". Menu item for C is then type "Products Listing".
I need a module that defines how the categories should be listed. I can use this for Cat A and B.
I need a module that defines how the products should be listed. I use this for Cat C (that contains the products)
If I want to have a sidebar menu that synchronises with the browsing I need to get an extension or create modules for each page.
Am I correct so far?
What do I have to do so that in can go through the structure in mainbody? Clicking on Cat A shows me all the level B categories. What do I have to do to get the Cat C categories showing when I click on a Level B category?
What do I have to do to create a URL that has the structure domain/CatA/CatB/CatC/productX ? Is this possible in settings or should I define Canonical URL's for all categories involved?