I'm using Authorize.net SIM API, and payments complete and show up as Unsettled Transactions at Authorize.net. However, I receive an admin email:
Authorize.net payment notification refused:invalid response
An Authorize.net notification was refused because the response from the Authorize.net server was invalid
I found one mention of this in search, and it says that it can be fixed by changing the transactions to Automatically Settle.
I have two questions about this:
1) Do you know how to set up the Authorize.net transactions to settle so that this error won't appear,
2) How can I modify Hikashop so that it will accept the payment as completed even though it remains an Unsettled Transaction?
Additional info: FYI, I looked up the code where it validates the response MD5, Login ID, Transaction ID and Amount equals what's expected before kicking out this error, so I figured out that I needed to make sure my MD5 and Login IDs are entered correctly. They are. Also, if I change it to API it completes the payment, but I can't use API because a SSL-secured site is not an option for me at the moment!