Hi Sietse,
I think the best way is to disable the Catalog mode, and add this code to hide the "Add to cart" for all the product except some products defined by ID.
In HikaShop > Display > Views, you can edit the view "Product / show.php" (or show_default.php it depends of your HikaShop version.)
<?php } ?>
<div id="hikashop_product_quantity_main" class="hikashop_product_quantity_main">
$this->row = & $this->element;
$this->ajax = 'if(hikashopCheckChangeForm(\'item\',\'hikashop_product_form\')){ return hikashopModifyQuantity(\'' . $this->row->product_id . '\',field,1' . $form . '); } else { return false; }';
echo $this->loadTemplate();
<?php }
$item_ids = array('5','1');
$item_cart = 0;
foreach($item_ids as $key => $value){
if($this->row->product_id == $value){
$item_cart = 1;
if($item_cart == 1){?>
<div id="hikashop_product_quantity_main" class="hikashop_product_quantity_main">
$this->row = & $this->element;
$this->ajax = 'if(hikashopCheckChangeForm(\'item\',\'hikashop_product_form\')){ return hikashopModifyQuantity(\'' . $this->row->product_id . '\',field,1' . $form . '); } else { return false; }';
echo $this->loadTemplate();
<?php } ?>
$item_ids are the items where the button "Add to cart" has to be displayed.