I am setting up a Hikashop (first time with Hikashop but have setup many, many virtuemart shops). With this project, there are many downloadable files associated with each product. I became frustrated very quickly uploading each file for each product and each of the variants. Also, the files are very large and the same exact files are used for 80% of the products, so I used an ftp program to upload all of the files to the "/media/com_hikashop/images/upload/safe/" directory and then entered the URL in the "Filename" field (for example: /media/com_hikashop/images/upload/safe/dir_name/file_name.zip).
I did a test, received the email with the links, but when such links are clicked on, I receive a "file not found" error. Am I using the incorrect URL?
Also, is there anyway the customer will be able to see a list of files they purchased when they log into their account? I was under the impression their file purchases would be in their account area. I really do not like the email link as the only way they will have access to their file purchases. I see the user can see their orders, but I do not see where they can access their purchased files.
Any help would be very much appreciated!