Hi there, I am having problems understanding how to structure my menus, what with all the associated modules etc.
Basically in my shop I have at least 2 Category levels before getting to my products, so for instance:
Category Sub Category Product
Compression Wear Compression Tops Compression Top
Compression Wear Compression Shorts Compression Shorts
So, on my main menu, I have 'Compression Wear'. What I want is for the user to click on this link, and for them to be taken to a page (lets call this 'Page 1') where it shows JUST the sub categories (so Compression Shirts and Compression Shorts), ie NOT the products underneath. When the user then clicks on 'Compression Shirts', I want for them to go through to see all the products under Compression Shirts.
However, it seems no matter what settings I do, when I click 'Page 1' I can see both the Sub category names, and then all of the products within those categories displayed below. (I have attached a screen shot of what I get in attachment 1)
So basically, I don't want to see the products below, until I click onto the sub category.
I seem to be able to achieve what I want to see on 'Page 1' if I delete the associated module, but then if I do that, when I click on the 'Compression Tops' sub category, I get taken through to an empty screen (ie no products).
Please can you help me? I just can't seem to get my head around how it works with the associated modules if you have more than 1 category level. (FYI, On the Menu Type I have tried using both Category Listing, and Product Listing, still no joy with either)
Thanks a lot,