I gonna load the products through ajax in Joomla. I know it is not part of the code, but I'm developer, so maybe a little advice help me.
I chreated a template without any content just this:
<?php if($this->countModules('ajax')) : ?>
<div class="ajax-xhr-load">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="ajax" style="none" />
<?php endif; ?>
After I created a menu item, and set the type to "Hikashop -> product listing"
set template to ajax
I binded a module for it "Associated product for category listing module 142"
The position of the module is "ajax"
So if I open it in the browser this will call the product controller with default template
and show the products those i have under the "product categorie" category.
How could I change the category-id??
For example if I use this: http://localhost/hika/productlisting i see the main category.
I want to list the subcategories of the category 21 for example:
(but of course it's not working just a little explanation what I want)
Any advice? What should I do?