1. You need to add a zone restriction in your US shipping method so that it is restricted to the USA.
2. No one reported such problem so far. Could you give a link to your shop and a step by step in order to reproduce the problem ?
3. The tooltip system is the one of joomla. If it doesn't display properly all the time on your website, I can only propose you to remove it. You can do that by changing the code:
<td style="text-align:right"><label for="hikashop_credit_card_CCV_<?php echo $this->method->payment_type.'_'.$this->method->payment_id;?>"><?php echo JHTML::tooltip(JText::_('CVC_TOOLTIP_TEXT'), JText::_('CVC_TOOLTIP_TITLE'),
'', JText::_('CARD_VALIDATION_CODE')); ?></label></td>
<td style="text-align:right"><label for="hikashop_credit_card_CCV_<?php echo $this->method->payment_type.'_'.$this->method->payment_id;?>"><?php echo JText::_('CARD_VALIDATION_CODE'); ?></label></td>
in the file "ccinfo" via the menu Display->views.
4. Please make sure that you have the "Auto submit shipping and payment methods selection" option turned on in the Checkout tab of the configuration.
5. Please download and install again HikaShop. We updated that in the current version.
The fee appears next to the name of the payment method which is above the description. If you want to move that, you will have to edit the file "payment" of the view "checkout" via the menu Display->Views.
6. He will indeed get an email automatically once his order is confirmed. You will also receive one. If he doesn't, please check that the order is confirmed. If that's the case, there is a problem with the email sending on your website. If that's not the case, there is a problem with the payment notification and you should look at that documentation:
If you want to allow users to print their invoice on their order details page, you need to turn on the option "Allow users to print invoices on the front end" in the Display tab of the configuration.