It should be something like that:
SELECT * FROM #__hikashop_file WHERE file_ref_id =XXX AND file_type='product' ORDER BY file_ref_id ASC, file_ordering ASC, file_id ASC
That would return you all the images data of the product with the id XXX.
Then, you would have to load the image helper: $imageHelper = hikashop_get('helper.image');
And finally use it to display the image based on the data from the query, as we do in the file "show_block_img" that you can see via the menu Display->Views.
Note that this is a development project which is outside the support contract included in the Business edition. I already gave you more than enough information so that a developer could do it by himself, but if you want us to do it for you, then we would ask that you request a quote for that via our contact form: