now, near the lunch of my shop and some ordering testing, I ran into a big problem. The tax calculation and shipping-tax calculation makes some mistakes.
I did a testorder and took some screenshots (all from the same order) to explain it. and the tax for germany is 19%.
Here you see a screenshot of the cart in the frontend. Here is the first mistake:
- the "Zwischensumme" (sum) incl. the tax is 44,-€ -> thats ok.
- the "Versand" (shipping) incl. the tax is 5,95 -> thats ok.
- the "Steuern" (tax) is wrong. If 49,95€ is the endprice with tax, than 41,97€ is the endprice without tax and the tax is 7,98€ (not 7,95€).
Next screenshot. This time from the email the user will get:
Here the user gets an email with the price without tax. Ok, I think this could be changed in the emailsettings, but also here the price calculation is wrong. Because the price without tax from 44,-€ is not 37,-€, it should be 36,974789915966386554621848739496€ or better 36,97€.
Next screenshot from the invoice in the backend:
Here are some more mistakes:
- the 37,-€ without tax is wrong, as I allready said in the second picture.
- The MwSt. is wrong. Why only 7,-€? In the cart is was 7,95€ (that was allready wrong) and now its only 7,-€ (more wrong) but we allready told the user in the mail that it was 7,95€? I am confused about this.
- the rest is ok.
Ok, last screenshot. Now from my own invoice-program I use for a long time and do the calculation right:
Here you see the price per pcs. of 0,44€ with tax. So for 100 pcs. 44,-€. Then the shipping with 5,95€ incl. tax and the endprice incl. tax is 49,95. And now the big difference at the tax, with 7,98€ its right in this calculation.
So what do do? I think I know where is the big problem. At the product page I type in the price incl. tax. and I type there the price of 0,44€ incl. tax at min. 100pcs. When I leave the "price incl. tax" field it automatic write at the field "without tax" the value 0.37000€. And thats the mistake I think.
Regards, Benny.