On the front-end, when a product has been selected and the description and characteristics, etc, are displayed, it appears that characteristics are displayed in ID sequence. For example, if you have “Small”, “Medium” and “Large”, if you create the characteristics in that sequence, then you are fine. If you later add “Very Small”, it appears after “Large” in the drop-down list, where logically it should appear before "Small".
ID 1 = Small
ID 2 = Medium
ID 3 = Large
ID 4 = Very Small
You could sort alphabetically by name, but results are not guaranteed to be in the correct logical sequence.
Very Small
Would it be possible to add a “Sort Value” to the characteristics screen to allow more detailed control over the characteristics drop-down display?
Ultimately, it would be best practice to create a new column “characteristic_sort_value” in the "<mysite>_hikashop_characteristic" table to hold this value. I looked into “Custom Fields”, but there was not an option for adding a custom field to a characteristic.
I’ve noticed that in the table "<mysite>_hikashop_characteristic", all characteristics have a “characteristic_alias” column that is only used if the characteristic is a parent. If the characteristic is a child, this column could be used to store a sort value.
Alias 010 = Small
Alias 050 = Medium
Alias 090 = Large
Alias 005 = Very Small
Alias 065 = Big Medium
Alias 035 = Small Medium