Thank you nicolas
I enabled the debug mode.
When I select both the filters I receive an error:
500 - JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1054 - Unknown column 'p.product_id' in 'on clause' SQL=SELECT DISTINCT b.* FROM jos_hikashop_product_category AS a LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM jos_hikashop_product AS product1 LEFT JOIN jos_hikashop_price AS price1 ON product1.product_id=price1.price_product_id WHERE (price1.price_access = 'all' OR price1.price_access LIKE '%,2,%' OR price1.price_access LIKE '%,3,%' OR ISNULL(price1.price_access)) AND product1.product_type='main' GROUP BY product1.product_id ORDER BY price1.price_min_quantity ASC) AS b ON a.product_id=b.product_id INNER JOIN jos_hikashop_product_category AS caratteristiche1 ON caratteristiche1.product_id=p.product_id AND caratteristiche1.category_id IN (15) WHERE b.product_published=1 AND b.product_type = 'main' AND a.category_id IN (14,15,12) AND (b.product_access = 'all' OR b.product_access LIKE '%,2,%' OR b.product_access LIKE '%,3,%') AND ( ( case when b.price_currency_id = '1' then b.price_value end ) BETWEEN 10 AND 20 ) ORDER BY b.product_sale_start ASC LIMIT 0, 20
** Update 12:30 CET *** in the meantime I added some other filters and modified the categories structure. Now I have no more problem. Honestly I don't know why but the problem is solved and the selection seems retrieve in the right way the products.
Then I copyed and tested the new filter file that you kindly sent me.
It seems to work perfectly, it selects in the right way the price with VAT included.
With the next release of Hika, will you insert this feature as standard?
If not, how can i mantain the customization?
If you need I can send you URL, username and passowrd to verify the filter error on the web site.