Found myself struggling understanding the **complete** meaning of the order status, both for writing a new PayPal Advanced Payments plugin, and also for general use of Hikashop. Wondered if clarifying that would help others as well as myself. Apologies if it's already written somewhere that I didn't see. My present (unconfirmed) understanding is:
Customer has added items to cart, begun checkout, selected payment & shipping methods, and not yet completed payment. An order is left in this state if he abandons the checkout process after beginning the payment process, however if he "cancels", eg during payment the status becomes "cancelled".
A registered customer can return through the front end, view the order, change ship or bill addresses, (and depending on checkout configuration) change payment method, or complete payment. He can not add or delete products, or change quantity.
Any changes to product pricing or description will be reflected on the order.
Customer has successfully completed payment for the order.
Order information is "frozen" with respect to product pricing and descriptions.
Customer can view order through the front end. However customer can not adjust it, except by contacting store managers to change the status.
Customer can view order through the front end. However customer can not adjust it, except by contacting store managers to change the status.
No matter the status, store managers through the back end can add, delete or change quantity of products, change shipping or payment method, and also change status.
Please correct or enhance my understanding, if you would. Thanks.