Using the free version of Hikashop and I just wanted to add a bit of text at the beginning of the download link so that it is clear what it is.
(I have been getting emails from customers asking where the link is!)
So I amended the following code in this file : order_status_notification.html.php
$statusDownload = explode(',',$config->get('order_status_for_download','confirmed,shipped'));
if(!empty($item->files) && in_array($data->order_status,$statusDownload)){
global $Itemid;
$url_itemid = '';
echo '<p>';
foreach($item->files as $file){
$fileName = empty($file->file_name) ? $file->file_path : $file->file_name;
echo '<b>Download link:</b> <a href="'.hikashop_frontendLink('index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=order&task=download&file_id='.$file->file_id.'&order_id='.$data->order_id.$url_itemid).'">'.$fileName.'</a><br/>';
echo '</p>';
However, my additional bit of text: echo '<b>Download link:</b> <a ....' is not appearing on the confirmation email. Is there something else I need to do?