Hey! Here's a link to a relevant page:
As you will see, I have a custom field for the Model name, but it isn't what I'm looking for in this case so i will remove it.
I also have a tab with the details of the models and the link to their profile page: this is all the info I need, but I wish to have it placed over the image as an overlaid div.
I believe I need to simply use z-index and create a div, within which I can put the Name of Model as a link pointing to their modelling profile page. Once I have the basic html set up I may play around with the styles etc, but that's all I need to begin with.
I figure I need a custom field to provide the info to make the div. This is where I'm getting lost. I imagine I need something similar to this code, but calling the Name of Model value that I will input via custom field instead of the second '$this->element->product_url':
<span id="hikashop_product_url_main" class="hikashop_product_url_main">
if (!empty ($this->element->product_url)) {
echo JText :: sprintf('MANUFACTURER_URL', '<a href="' . $this->element->product_url . '" target="_blank">' . $this->element->product_url . '</a>');
I did try to adapt this code to make it work for me but I'm not good enough with php to know what to replace this '$this->element->product_url' in the second part so that it renders the Title (Name of Model) rather than the url itself. I guess this is where the custom field comes into play, but how do I link them together in the code?
Another thing - on the page I linked you to, the main image popup has 9 images, despite the product having only 2. I deleted images I had added and readded them... Now that I write this I think I must need to delete the thumbnails, I'll try that and get back if it doesn't work. thanks