We have a system, selling membercards and gift certificates (or vouchers) with HIKA shop.
The membercards we send by post and for that we need a shipping method.
One possibility ist that somebody recieves a gift certificate (that someone other buys for him and got a code).
The user who purchases the membercard in the shop with the gift certificate (coupon), don't have to pay the shipping amount.
Now, i had the idea to create another product for that with another weight. Then i define in the shipping method, that all products with a weight between x and y don't have a adsitional shipping amount. So far it's OK, but:
All User could order this product without shipping amount, even though I descibe in the product, that it is only for users with coupon code.
How I can handle it, that a user with a coupon code (gift certificate) had to put in first the code and then he would see this additional product?
Can I hide products for all User, they don't have a valid coupon code?