hello at hikari! first of all: great shop, i am so happy i do not have to use virtuemart anymore! we happily bought the "essential" version with no second thought after testing the "starter". keep up the good work!
to our problem:
if "billing address" is not the same as the "shipping address" and i edit the "shipping address" then the "billing address" gets changed as well (and vice versa) and the checkbox swaps back to "use the same address as for billing"... is this a bug?
the behaviour we need is:
as we use the shop without registration, the user should be able to input (and later edit if needed) one (and only one!) "billing address" and IF this is different than the "shipping address", he should be able to change the appearing copy of the "billing address" so that this is a different one. if the later is not possible, he should be able to add a total fresh new editable "shipping address". actually we would prefer the later, rather than showing a copy of the "billing address" first
is this possible?