I've recently installed Hikashop basic to check it does what I want before upgrading. I understand Joomla but I'm afraid I just don't understand the menu structure of Hikashop and how it all fits together, especially the associated products listing modules that seem to be automatically created every time I try something out in categories, so this is a cry for some basic step-by-step help please. I've tried numerous times to read the documentation and look at forum postings but I'm going round in circles. Sorry, the site is not live so I can't post a link.
What works: I have created some Hikashop categories and products. I have a Hikashop categories listing menu at the side of my pages that works as a normal navigation menu with category name links to each Hikashop product category. This menu works OK to go to a page displaying all products in each category. This works without me enabling any associated modules (but they are created).
What I can't get to work: I'm trying to create a menu/module? with those same links for the home/front page of the site only that displays the thumbnail pictures of my five categories with links to the same category/product pages as those in my lefthand navigation menu. I can't get this to work. I've created a content module that shows the correct categories and thumbnails but clicking them just goes to a blank page. What do I need to set up to make them link to the category products please?
[And I'm sure I'll have more questions soon… ]